
McDonald's redesign aims for European lounge - Food Inc.- msnbc.com

A Big Mac combo meal with French fries and Coc...Image via Wikipedia
we dunno what all the hoopla's about,
a few years ago a McDonald's in the Financial District
tried a similar gimmick: it had live piano entertainment,
waiter/waitress table service, tablecloths . . .
it didn't take long for the accoutrements ('ceptin' the piano player)
to disappear.
hey, one goes into a fast-food joint for just . . . one . . . thing --- fast food! ;-)
anyhoo, there it is the world's best French Fries have gone, . . .er, uh, uhm . . . European?
McDonald's redesign aims for European lounge - Food Inc.- msnbc.com:
"A McDonald's in downtown Manhattan is outfitted with outlets for plugging in laptops,
upholstered vinyl chairs, subdued lighting and employees whose all-black uniforms suggest a hip boutique."
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