
Day #4: Eating from my pantry. The kind of dinner the slopes demand

Since my pantry is stocked with items that I have been dragging around for years, I decided the only way to make sure I get rid of it all without throwing it away was to not go grocery shopping. There will be no grocery shopping at all until Dec 31, while from January 2 through January 31 I will only buy fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and meat. Wine, beer, and soda, of course, are excluded ;-)
Here is the list of items I started out with in my freezer/refrigerator/pantry.

It was another lazy night. We just booked our New Year's Eve dinner out tomorrow (can you say Alaskan King Crab?) and we're already planning which horrible heart-killing food that we only allow ourselves to eat on marathon-TV days that we'll be gourging on on Friday.

So in honor of the near-constant fall of snow we're experiencing here in the Midwest, and to finish off a lovely snowboarding day, we've chosen a traditional winter soup and sandwich finish.

Pantry Item Finished:
• Refrigerator mayonnaise (there's a spare in the cabinet)
• the 3 2-cracker packettes stolen from some restaurant
• the remaining half hamburger roll

Pantry Items Used:
• Ketchup
• Homemade bread
• Shrimp
• 2 cans of chicken noodle soup
• Zuccini bread (for breakfast)
• some margarine

This is the first time I've made Russian dressing

I like when my husband cooks

Day #1
Day #2
Day #3

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